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Even voorstellen – Jinjer - nieuw album ‘duel’

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Even voorstellen – Jinjer - nieuw album ‘duel’

Single Nov 24 JINJER - Green Serpent (Official Video) | Napalm Records

JINJER - Kafka (Official Video) | Napalm Records
JINJER - Rogue (Official Video) | Napalm Records


'Duél'. Dat is de titel van het nieuwe (vijfde) studio-album van de Oekraïense metalband Jinjer, dat op 7 februari 2025 uitkomt via het Duitse platenlabel Napalm Records. 'Duél' laat een band op het toppunt van zijn kunnen zien en markeert opnieuw een mijlpaal in de wereld van moderne metal. Jinjer brengt vandaag een nieuwe single (met lyrics video) van dat album uit, getiteld 'Kafka'.

Gedomineerd door Tatiana's opmerkelijke clean vocals, is 'Kafka' opvallend zwaarder en trager dan de twee vorige singles 'Someone's Daughter' en 'Rogue'. Tatiana Shmayluk: "Being an artist is sometimes beautiful but most of the time it’s brutal. As our art is dissected word for word and ripped apart note by note, we‘re expected to be on point all-the-time … and when we aren’t, we are scandalized. A true artist is vulnerable but the crowd is most often plagued with vultures who pick at every single move you make. It’s a slippery slope when music means the world to us but how quickly praise turns into prosecution… We are all Kings and Queens for a day but most of the time it feels like a Kafka novel for a lifetime. It‘s exciting but surreal and absurd at the same time."

Jinjer toert momenteel als special guest van Sepultura's afscheidstournee 'Celebrating Life Through Death – European Farewell Tour 2024' met o.a. Sepultura en Obituary, en zal volgende maand ook in de Benelux neerstrijken voor drie concerten:
- zondag 3 november: Sepulfest 2024, 's-Hertogenbosch (NL)
- dinsdag 5 november: Ancienne Belgique, Brussel (B) - SOLD OUT!
- woensdag 6 november: Rockhal, Esch-sur-Alzette (LUX)

Daarna zal de band zijn tournee voortzetten door Brazilië, Argentinië, Chili, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Filipijnen, Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland.

Waar Jinjer's vorige album 'Wallflowers' toegankelijker was en opvallend meer clean vocals bevatte, spreekt 'Duél' nu juist een meer agressieve toon, mede door nummers als 'Rogue', 'Green Serpent' en 'Dark Bile', met hun brute en stevige breakdowns. Fans van Shmayluk's heldere vocalen kunnen genieten van tracks zoals album opener 'Tantrum', die het potentieel van de vocale bekwaamheid van de frontvrouw laat horen. 'Fast Draw' is een brutale death metal track met groovende drums van Vlad Ulasevich, met Roman Ibramkhalilov's unieke riffs en Eugene Abdukhanov's kenmerkende baspartijen die laten zien waar deze band het beste in is: onweerstaanbare state-of-the-art moderne metal. Voor 'Duél' zette Jinjer zijn langdurige samenwerking met producer Max Morton voort, die het album mede produceerde, mixte en masterde.

Bassist Eugene Abdukhanov: "The fact that we still challenge ourselves to release the best music we have ever made with each new release, is what keeps JINJER moving forward. This upcoming album was the longest songwriting process we’ve ever had and it took almost two years to complete. We worked very hard with every free minute we weren’t on tour, recording demos over and over again and always searching for the perfect sound for guitars, bass and drums. It was also the first time that Tatiana did vocal pre-productions, so it’s safe to say that none of our releases were so well thought out and calculated as this one. It pulverizes the boundaries of the modern progressive metal genre but still remains sophisticated, exciting and extreme all at the same time. We took up the challenge to expand our musical horizons even wider than before in order to cement Duél to be the next step in our musical growth and hopefully the evolution of metal music in general."

DUÉL tracklisting:

  1. Tantrum
  2. Hedonist
  3. Rogue
  4. Tumbleweed
  5. Green Serpent
  6. Kafka
  7. Dark Bile
  8. Fast Draw
  9. Someone's Daughter
  10. A Tongue So Sly
  11. Duél


Tatiana Shmayluk - vocals

Roman Ibramkhalilov - guitars

Eugene Abdukhanov - bass

Vlad Ulasevich – drums
Over the past 15 years, Jinjer has attained remarkable milestones, touring globally and captivating millions at prestigious festivals like Wacken Open Air and Download UK. They’ve headlined sold-out shows across Europe and North America, and have thrilled audiences in destinations like Dubai, Philippines, Türkiye, Japan and South Africa. As they continue their journey this year, Jinjer is set to make a major impact on the music scene.
Through their relentless hard work, non-stop touring and critically acclaimed, chart-breaking releases gaining millions of streams/views across all platforms globally, Jinjer are truly one of modern metal's hottest and most exciting bands around today. The band has become synonymous with doing things their own way and breaking every rule in the heavy metal handbook - which they proved loud and clear on their hugely successful fourth studio album Wallflowers. The four-piece progressive groove metal wrecking machine known as Jinjer have carved their very own place in the metal landscape. Jinjer was formed in 2009, but consider the official start of the band to have happened with the addition of incredible vocalist Tatiana Shmayluk in 2010. 


Cloud Factory (2014)

King of Everything (2016)

Macro (2019)

Wallflowers (2021)

Duél (2025)


Aanvullende informatie

  • Datum: 2024-10-23
  • Beoordeling: 1
Gelezen: 362 keer