Greenhouse Talent, Gent - volgende concertreeks

Greenhouse Talent, Gent - volgende concertreeks Concerten 2024 - Noordkaap kondigt Winterthur aan, van 20 september 2024 t-m 15 februari 2025 - Clouseau van 20 december 2024 – 18 januari 2025, Sportpaleis, Antwerpen (125ste concert!) (+ extra concert op 19…


Cactus Club, Brugge - concerts

Cactus Club, Brugge - concerts 13-01 Elias Ronnenfelt, Frankie Traandruppel 22-01 Breaking waves: Getdown services 24-01 Guilty pleasures (Org: Lucky lemon) 25-01 Gasolina (Org: Do vzw) 28-01 Chantal Acda & The North Sea Drifters, Hendrik Lasure 29 + 30-01 ’t…

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 Ambassador 21 - 08/11/2019
Ambassador 21 - 08/11/2019
 Feather Box - 31/01/2019
Feather Box - 31/01/2019
 Let It Kill You - 26/10/2019
Let It Kill You - 26/10/2019
 Ritual Necromancy - 11/09/2019
Ritual Necromancy - 11/09/201...
 Solar Skeletons - 27/12/2019
Solar Skeletons - 27/12/2019
 The Gluts - 12/10/2021
The Gluts - 12/10/2021
 The Slackers - 27/10/2019
The Slackers - 27/10/2019
 Thot - 30/03/2019
Thot - 30/03/2019
10000 Russos - 12/10/2021
10000 Russos - 12/10/2021
1000mods - 15/06/2019
1000mods - 15/06/2019
Acid Mothers Temple - 05/10/2022
Acid Mothers Temple - 05/10/20...
Acid Mothers Temple - 08/05/2024
Acid Mothers Temple - 08/05/20...
Acid Mothers Temple - 3/10/2019
Acid Mothers Temple - 3/10/201...
Adolina - 21/09/2019
Adolina - 21/09/2019
Adult - 12/03/2022
Adult - 12/03/2022
Alos - 27/12/2019
Alos - 27/12/2019
AMBASSADOR21 - 23/03/2024
AMBASSADOR21 - 23/03/2024
Archspire - 20/12/2018
Archspire - 20/12/2018
Bad Breeding - 21/09/2019
Bad Breeding - 21/09/2019
Big Horse - 07/04/2022
Big Horse - 07/04/2022
Black Tartans - 10/03/2024
Black Tartans - 10/03/2024
Bonnacons Of Doom - 19/09/2019
Bonnacons Of Doom - 19/09/2019
Booster Shot - 04/02/2023
Booster Shot - 04/02/2023
Brighter Death Now - 09/03/2024
Brighter Death Now - 09/03/202...
Bruit - 14/12/2022
Bruit - 14/12/2022
Butcher Boogie - 09/01/2019
Butcher Boogie - 09/01/2019
Chaos Commute - 12/03/2020
Chaos Commute - 12/03/2020
Conan - 21/10/2019
Conan - 21/10/2019
Conflict - 27/04/2024
Conflict - 27/04/2024
Convulsif - 27/12/2019
Convulsif - 27/12/2019
Cosmic Monarch - 01/10/2022
Cosmic Monarch - 01/10/2022
Cosmic Monarch - 26/10/2019
Cosmic Monarch - 26/10/2019
Crowd Of Chairs - 21/09/2019
Crowd Of Chairs - 21/09/2019
Deaf Club - 11/04/2024
Deaf Club - 11/04/2024
Desiderii Marginis - 09/03/2024
Desiderii Marginis - 09/03/202...
Die Selektion - 08/03/2024
Die Selektion - 08/03/2024
Donder Hel en Hagel - 30/11/2019
Donder Hel en Hagel - 30/11/20...
Easy Ego - 24/09/2022
Easy Ego - 24/09/2022
Eyehategod - 25/06/2022
Eyehategod - 25/06/2022
Falling Man - 05/11/2018
Falling Man - 05/11/2018
Fractional - 23/03/2024
Fractional - 23/03/2024
Frank Never Dies - 08/05/2024
Frank Never Dies - 08/05/2024
Frau Blücher and the drünken horses - 02/112019
Frau Blücher and the drünken h...
Fuck Money - 11/04/2024
Fuck Money - 11/04/2024
Fucked Up Minds - 15/01/2023
Fucked Up Minds - 15/01/2023
Garbage Bags - 15/02/2020
Garbage Bags - 15/02/2020
Giac Taylor - 18/10/2022
Giac Taylor - 18/10/2022
Gnod - 25/04/2022
Gnod - 25/04/2022
Godsleep - 04/06/2024
Godsleep - 04/06/2024
Hispyn - 25/06/2022
Hispyn - 25/06/2022
Hocico - 28/11/2024
Hocico - 28/11/2024
James Chance & Die Contortions - 11/03/2019
James Chance & Die Contortions...
Jilted - 27/04/2024
Jilted - 27/04/2024
Klingonz - 15/02/2020
Klingonz - 15/02/2020
Lamiral - 01/10/2022
Lamiral - 01/10/2022
Les Slugs - 30/11/2019
Les Slugs - 30/11/2019
Lov - 25/06/2022
Lov - 25/06/2022
Lovataraxx - 20/04/2024
Lovataraxx - 20/04/2024
Lucky Devils - 15/02/2020
Lucky Devils - 15/02/2020
Lydia Lunch - 05/11/2018
Lydia Lunch - 05/11/2018
Mad Sin - 09/01/2019
Mad Sin - 09/01/2019
Mad Sin - 11/05/2024
Mad Sin - 11/05/2024
Mad Virgins - 02/11/2019
Mad Virgins - 02/11/2019
Michale Graves - 25/02/2019
Michale Graves - 25/02/2019
Missiles Of October - 21/09/2019
Missiles Of October - 21/09/20...
Moaan Exis - 31/01/2019
Moaan Exis - 31/01/2019
Neptunian Maximalism - 05/10/2022
Neptunian Maximalism - 05/10/2...
Of Feather And Bone - 11/09/2019
Of Feather And Bone - 11/09/20...
On Fire - 15/01/2023
On Fire - 15/01/2023
Onmens - 24/09/2022
Onmens - 24/09/2022
Otto Von Schirach - 23/03/2024
Otto Von Schirach - 23/03/2024
Owls - 20/04/2024
Owls - 20/04/2024
Parade Ground -08/03/2024
Parade Ground -08/03/2024
Partikul - 08/03/2024
Partikul - 08/03/2024
Pega - 04/02/2023
Pega - 04/02/2023
Pink Room - 30/03/2019
Pink Room - 30/03/2019
Plack Blague - 12/03/2022
Plack Blague - 12/03/2022
PLS - 20/04/2024
PLS - 20/04/2024
Rabia Sorda - 31/01/2019
Rabia Sorda - 31/01/2019
Radar Men From The Moon - 25/04/2022
Radar Men From The Moon - 25/0...
Rainbow Grave - 19/09/2019
Rainbow Grave - 19/09/2019
Raison D'etre - 09/03/2024
Raison D'etre - 09/03/2024
Revocation - 20/12/2018
Revocation - 20/12/2018
Richie Ramone - 12/03/2020
Richie Ramone - 12/03/2020
Rivers Of Nihil - 20/12/2018
Rivers Of Nihil - 20/12/2018
Ronker - 01/10/2022
Ronker - 01/10/2022
Rraouhhh - 27/12/2019
Rraouhhh - 27/12/2019
Sans Nom - 04/02/2023
Sans Nom - 04/02/2023
Schleu - 04/06/2024
Schleu - 04/06/2024
Shoeshine 30/03/2019
Shoeshine 30/03/2019
Sixes - 21/10/2019
Sixes - 21/10/2019
Slovenians - 11/05/2024
Slovenians - 11/05/2024
Sora - 14/12/2022
Sora - 14/12/2022
Soreption - 20/12/2018
Soreption - 20/12/2018
Spout Big Space - 24/09/2022
Spout Big Space - 24/09/2022
Structures - 11/03/2019
Structures - 11/03/2019
Subhumans - 30/11/2019
Subhumans - 30/11/2019
Suicide Commando - 08/11/2019
Suicide Commando - 08/11/2019
Super Dragon Punch - 08/11/2019
Super Dragon Punch - 08/11/201...
Super Dragon Punch - 28/11/2024
Super Dragon Punch - 28/11/202...
The Cosmic Dead - 19/09/2019
The Cosmic Dead - 19/09/2019
The Great Machine - 15/06/2019
The Great Machine - 15/06/2019
The Juggernauts - 12/03/2022
The Juggernauts - 12/03/2022
The Last Resort - 28/04/2024
The Last Resort - 28/04/2024
The Lords Of Altamont - 18/10/2022
The Lords Of Altamont - 18/10/...
The Monsters - 07/04/2022
The Monsters - 07/04/2022
The Take - 28/04/2024
The Take - 28/04/2024
Tomb Mold - 11/09/2019
Tomb Mold - 11/09/2019
Total Chaos - 15/01/2023
Total Chaos - 15/01/2023
Toundra - 12/02/2019
Toundra - 12/02/2019
Toxic Frogs - 10/03/2024
Toxic Frogs - 10/03/2024
UK Subs - 02/11/2019
UK Subs - 02/11/2019
Ultraphallus - 27/12/2019
Ultraphallus - 27/12/2019
UN - 21/10/2019
UN - 21/10/2019
Vending Machines - 11/05/2024
Vending Machines - 11/05/2024
VHS from space - 01/10/2022
VHS from space - 01/10/2022
VHS From Space - 3/10/2019
VHS From Space - 3/10/2019
Werly - 27/04/2024
Werly - 27/04/2024
Why The Eye - 04/02/2023
Why The Eye - 04/02/2023
Witches Of Doom - 25/02/2019
Witches Of Doom - 25/02/2019
Wyatt E - 12/02/2019
Wyatt E - 12/02/2019
Youff - 11/04/2024
Youff - 11/04/2024
Young Widows - 30/03/2019
Young Widows - 30/03/2019
Zuiker Suiker - 27/12/2019
Zuiker Suiker - 27/12/2019
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